
Friday, November 30, 2007

Clinton PR Stunt?

"Madman storms New Hampshire Clinton campaign office," the news is claiming. This turn of events is of weird timing and ill preparation (on the madman's part).

There are two pieces of this puzzle that are particularly obfuscatory. First, the Clinton campaign has been in the press for possibly feeding questions to audience members during the past two Democratic debates. Now a road-flare wearing "bomber" has taken over one of her offices. Interesting twist of events. My favorite part is a quote from police Maj. Michael Hambrook on stating that, "the potential for harm to those hostages is high." Major media outlets eat up this kind of dribble (and so do the [painful to write] majority of Americans).

Second, for those of us crazies out there, are we to believe that a man with the capacity to build a bomb, strap it to himself, plan an attack, and execute it, would do so on a day when Hilary Clinton is somewhere in Virginia (so my carrier pigeons have reported). This is doubtful to say the least.

We are smarter than this. It is painfully obvious. PR tactics work, and Senator Clinton with be a national hero before this is over......

Suicide Bomber Barbie

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

As much as I enjoy eating the tasty bird, it is hard for me to enjoy the mass slaughter of turkeys. According to nearly 50 million turkeys are slaughtered for Thanksgiving. I suppose I could rant about the the cultural impact of our society and how this is just one example of our gigantic foot print. Instead I will reserve myself for another day, and prepare for the gluttonous ritual that is Thanksgiving.

Enjoy some Adam Sandler

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Save the World Like a Pirate

Imagine that today, off the cost of somewhereabatouy a magestic sea captain is plotting the intercept of an enemy ship. Armed with a giant can-opener like spear attached to an aging ship that looks like a giant killer whale, Captain Paul Watson and the crew of the Farley Mowat would love nothing better than to sink a whale poacher.

I for one, enjoy thinking of a world where voyages across icy seas with intent to sink another vessel exists. Save the world like a PIRATE !

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Wrap Your Old Drugs in Crap

As many of us have old pharmaceuticals lying around, we must inevitably decide how to rid ourselves of their burden. Right now, skeezy addicts are roaming the streets looking for the next house to find Darvaset. It is like Night of the Living Dead out there. Blister lipped, jaundice looking lay-abouts are knocking over garbage cans all over town. Wait a minute, "what's that noise?!" There is no time, you must act quickly!

from the Office of National Drug Control Policy

- Mixing prescription drugs with an undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter, and putting them in impermeable, non-descript containers, such as empty cans or sealable bags, will further ensure the drugs are not diverted.

All I have to say is, "Maaannnn, beware of the brown oxy's."

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

SeeqPod: Music on Demand?

Who cares about sliced bread when you have SEEQPOD.COM. It is a "playable search" engine that scours the web for music, video and podz.

I love the music feature. Search for some of your favorite chip tunes, create a playlist and Ka-Whamm, you have jukebox-on-demand.

This is what internet music is supposed to be like. Now, I may not have to pose as an 8 yr old from Singapore, to hide from the RIAA, when I am downloading backup copies of my CDs that got lost in the couch.

Get over there and try it, puny earth creature!

SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Exxtreme Commerse

Friday, November 2, 2007

Load Ringtones on Verizon Phone with V-Cast

This is by no means a comprehensive guide. There are plenty of resources available that explain how to edit and convert audio files. Here is a good place to start; Life Hacker. Following the instruction on Life Hacker (or technically should prepare you to upload your new ring tone. In my opinion, this is where further explanation is needed.

Some forums will tell you that personal ringtones cannot be loaded onto V-Cast enabled phones, they are wrong.

Step 1:
-After your Gansta-Gansta rmx is prepped, upload it to your pictures and messaging account (
-One important technical note is that the sample must be .wav format recorded at 22050 Hz and less than 3MB in size (or no upload for you)

Step 2:
-Within the pix account, after the tune is uploaded, send the new file to your phone number

Step 3:
-From your cell, download tune message and while in preview of message select "Options" > "Save as Ringtone"

Step 4:
-Laugh manically

*Other Explanation*
The Life Hacker instruction directs the creation of an .mp3 file. Some phones can handle .mp3 playback. Due to certain agreements with record labels, not all .mp3's can be ringtones, though. This is why .wav (22050 Hz) must be created. Other sites also mention converting to SMAF format, which may have also worked prior to V-Cast integration. If you are interested here is a great free converter (from the author of this format) Yamaha SMAF Global.

Finally, Audacity is a great free, open source sound editor, and can be downloaded HERE. One nice feature is the ability to zoom into note level. Then you can change your favorite masterpiece into "gobbly- gook." fun!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dick Cheney as Darth Hater

It may seem to the untrained eye that Vice President Cheney dressed his dogs up for Halloween. To those "in the know," slithery shape shifters often possess special powers of animal transformation. We are on to you Dick.....

photo via ABC News