According to a recent Reuters article students in Tallahassee schools could be suspended for wearing baggy jeans. The bill passed the Florida Senate, but is awaiting its day in the House.
As I read this article it occurred to me that we, as a society, must really be living the utopian dream if the most pressing issue in Florida is school kids expressing themselves by wearing over-sized pants.
I have an idea. How about a bill to mandate 15 year old girls from dressing like Las Vegas call girls.
Orlando Sen. Gary Siplin, who introduced the bill, stated that, "the fashion statement has a back-story -- it was made popular by rap artists after first appearing among prison inmates as a signal they were looking for sex."
This may be true. However, I believe that the "fashion statement" came from African American prison inmates protesting being poorly fed. Not to mention that kids have been wearing baggy pants for over 10 years.
Siplin also said, "All we're trying to do now is trying to inform folks that we have a fad now that does not have a very good origination." And this measure is intended to, "help students get jobs and a degree."
I thought it was the crappy education system that was intended to help students get jobs and a degree. Although, there are a lot of corporate ass kissers who have succeeded in life by dressing like their bosses. Maybe Siplin is on to something. Drop out of school, dress like a banker and bullshit your way into a 6 figure salary.
Sup wit dat?